Sunday, August 1, 2010

Back on the island!

Back on the beautiful island of Koh Phangan, back in Agama and within 2 days I got reminded why love this place so much and why I was so determined to come back after spending most of last year here. This rediscovered love is raising new questions about my future plans and direction for the next year. I'm in a a completely different place in my life than I was last year. I have a new direction, a clear purpose and motivation to go deeper in Macrobotics and spread it far and wide among people everywhere I go. My idea was set on going back to Israel and building my practice there (i.e. workshops, cooking classes, consultations etc.) while continuing studies of holistic nutrition and living in the north with Gali. Sounds ideal, right? But then I came back to Koh Phangan and withing 24 hours opportunity started knocking on all my doors! Many people knew that I have been spending the lat 3 months at KI in the USA and were deeply interested in what I have learned and had to share. People in Agama think that Macrobiotics is mainly about Ohsawa's #7 diet, and a little about polarity between Yin and Yang. Obviously it is much more than that and if macrobiotics is to be taught at all in this school, it should be done right, in the correct context and with proper modification to a tropical climate, depending on who is living here long term and who spends most of his time in north America or Europe.

But what happened is a switch of my paradigm. Regradless of the fact that Gali was pushing to come back here next year, I realized this place is a fertile ground for me to base my Macrobiotic practice and start my career in holistic nutritional healing. People here have come for spiritual transformation and that naturally includes diet, which changes as we evolve and we become aware of the subtle energies embodied in the food we eat. This requires a certain amount of guidance for creating the right balance in our diet with the unnecessary cravings and adopting of nutritional dogmas as many people do. My aim here would be to guide people in creating further balance in their lives through creating an awareness to the subtle energies of what they are eating, and more essentially, how to prepare it.

I can see myself spending another year on this island practicing and teaching Macrobiotics and becoming a huge success, expanding wider than Agama alone but to others on the island and maybe off it too. Being here I can continue my spiritual path and study more with Agama and the Tantric path, while not having to worry about many things I would have to worry about in Israel. It is definitely a lot easier to create workshops here than in Israel, and it is a good base to begin where the audience is most receptive, as well as being tourist who wouldn't mind paying money to hear these things, a fact which can sustain our being able to live here for another year.

This is all new and overwhelming, but it feels great. And if there is something I have learned in the past year is that if I think about something and it makes me feel open, alive, free, that is an proper indication that it is the right thing to do. It is harmonious and all else will come into place accordingly.