Monday, October 29, 2012

Whatever works

It has been about a month since the beginning of the latest chapter in my journey with cancer. I've received an overwhelming response to my plea for financial aid and managed to raise sufficient funds to cover a good stretch of the way.

But even more exciting is the abundance of useful and inspiring information i've been getting exposed to as a result of being in contact with so many people: some who have experience with cancer themselves or with their loved ones who are able to share useful information on various therapies and remedies, and some who simply apply their expertise and love into various healing methods and are eager to help and give me good, useful information. Of course it can get to be a bit much at times, and some of it has to be filtered, but it's amazing to discover how many useful, non-toxic, clinically proven methods to cure cancer are out there (not just prolong life but actually cure), and one has to find out about them on his/her own because as advanced as our medical system may be, doctors simply will not tell you these things. Either they object to anything outside of their scope of training and knowledge or, as in most cases, they simply don't know and are not interested. This is a whole other issue that has been on my mind lately - if our medical system is dedicated to healing people and saving lives, why does it ignore so many methods and approaches which improve the well being of the patient instead of using drugs and approaches which have failed to cure cancer for decades simplt because they are heavily endorsed by bega drug companies who have more interest in making money from prolonged use of expensive patented drugs than actually healing (if the person is cured, the company doesn't make any more money off him, so why cure him??) . Cancer wards in hospitals are growing all over the world, and statistics now stand on 1 out of every 2 people in the western world who will get cancer at a certain point in their lives. Meanwhile, some people are making a lot of money. There no big money in plant medicine and vitamins. The conclusion is obvious, and we have to inform ourselves of everything that is out there in order to bypass this massive system of misinformation. It is our obligation to question the medical system and its motives, it's our tax money which allows it to exist and it's here for us.

So my motto right now is: Whatever Works. If I can apply it practically, at a reasonable cost and i've read or heard enough reliable information on it - I'm doing it. I have nothing to lose at this point. and as Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, author of : "Coyote Medicine" says a few times throughout that inspiring book: "If it works - it's good medicine". Surpassing the ignorance widespread today in the world of western medicine and going beyond the artificial separations often done by people in the world of alternative therapies, there are no rules here. There is a time for good nutrition, and there is a time for chemotherapy and there is a time for heavy doses of vitamins and there is a time for long periods of meditation and there is a time for all of them together, and this changes all the time. The wisdom is in finding where my own truth lies and at which point I am doing something that no longer serves my higher purpose of healing and when it is time to move on to something else.

For example, with chemotherapy, which obviously is very toxic and damages healthy cells and internal organs, and is recognized even by most Oncologists to be a limited form of therapy, intended on prolonging life, and not healing. However, I wouldn't be sitting here today if it weren't for a nasty dose of Cisplatin, 5FU, Taxol and Carboplatin. It worked very well and improved my quality of life, despite the uncomfortable side effects. However, I knew I couldn't rely on that alone and already applied a large intake of plants and supplements to reduce the side effects and strengthen my immune system. And now it was time to stop, because it wasn't working anymore. It had reached its limit. Now i'm on a new protocol of Chemotherapy called CFVP which is a cocktail made up of: Cyclophosphamide, 5FU, Vincristine and prednisone in very small doses. I get them intravenously once a week and the first one is taken orally every day. The side effects are very mild and are in the form of slight weakness. My hair is growing back and I have a lot of energy during most of my waking hours. I do find I have to sleep more, because these are still drugs that tax the kidneys and the liver and the body needs to expend energy in order to release the toxins from the body.

In the past month, thank to you, I have been able to begin an extensive self-built protocol of cancer treatment including Ozone therapy, Vitamin C IV, herbal medicine, Orthomolecular medicine, Anthroposiphic medicine, Radionics and much more. What I would like to do here on the blog is offer to the world a detailed summary of all the treatments I am doing now, including links, videos and articles so that this information gets to as many people as possible. I have been given the gift of being able to do these therapies from the world. Getting support from so many people across the globe puts responsibility on me to share my healing process with you and give this information out as a service to all.

I still don't know if what I am doing works, because i've only begun. My latest CT from last month showed increasing tumors in my lungs and a possible new growth in my liver. In 2-3 month I will get another CT and see if all these things I have been applying are actually working. The only downside is that I will not be able to discern which of the treatment is the one that actually made a difference. I do not have the privilege now conduct experiments and try only one treatment to see if that is the one which had the effect on the cancer. I'm trying everything now, because I simply want to heal myself and continue living for many years.

So in my next post i'm going to start reviewing it all, stay posted....

Peace, love and harmony to all living beings.